Your Key Contacts
Examples of work undertaken by our lawyers
Appointed as principal real estate lawyers for numerous government departments.
Crown Commercial Service panel member for real estate.
On numerous local authority panels for example LLG framework and NWLC.
Acted for over 60 local authorities throughout the country in relation to commercial property, housing, planning, CPOs and other real estate issues.
Drafted the standard model clause for clawback and overage used by the MoD and Home Office. The clause is used for the disposal of any surplus land by these departments and many others.
Representing the Royal Parks in relation to 42 sporting events held in the 6 parks as part of the London Olympics 2012.
Appointed by the Cabinet Office to undertake the first registration of No.10 Downing Street and numerous Whitehall properties.
Davitt Jones Bould specialists​
Legal issues that may arise
Disposal of public sector land by auction
Sale agreements including Clawback and Overage
Estate rationalisation
Planning obligations including Section 106 agreements
Acquisition of public sector land for development
Joint venture acquisitions
Granting of rights over public sector land including easements
Environmental law issues including contamination and nuisance
Crichel Down rules
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Central Government alone owns more than 16 million m2 of land, more than 6 times the area of the City of London. Large amounts of land are also owned by Local Authorities and other public bodies. The Government is increasingly seeking to streamline its property portfolio, and has recently sold a number of surplus sites for use in housing development.