Admitted as a Solicitor: 1993
Tel: 0161 399 0186
Email: philippa.hipwell@djblaw.co.uk
Commercial property
Development / regeneration
Landlord and tenant

Philippa is an experienced real estate solicitor. She started her career at Nabarro and has since developed an excellent reputation for advising on large scale development projects and associated landlord and tenant work, acquisitions, disposals and the management of large property portfolios. Philippa’s clients have included major players in public housing and healthcare, including NHS Property Services Limited, property investors and management companies, residential developers and high street retailers including Home Bargains, Peacocks and Bon Marche. Since joining DJB, Philippa has been involved in many high profile projects including multimillion pound property investments and developments.
Highlights include advising:
Local authorities on their property investments including a £110million shopping centre, a £75million retail park and a £72m office.
NHS Property Services on the multimillion pound disposal of a hospital site.
A local authority (as lender) on their CPO to deliver a multimillion pound mixed use regeneration scheme.
NHS Property Services Project on seven development schemes for new primary care resource centres.
Property developers on the acquisition of development land, generally conditional on planning, often involving interlinked transactions.
Central Government departmental and non-departmental bodies, including Highways England, Natural England, Department for Education, Department for Work and Pensions and the Minstry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on the full spectrum of estates management issues.
"Philippa has been a star dealing with one of our biggest investment acquisitions. It certainly wasn’t a straightforward transaction but she worked tirelessly to get it to a successful conclusion"
Local authority Senior Solicitor – Special Projects
"Philippa Hipwell comes highly recommended".
Legal 500 2021
"Philippa Hipwell and Melanie Greer-Walker are both excellent and approachable. They take the time to fully understand the detail of the instruction, so they can fully advise on all the possible permutations and particular matters to look out for."
Legal 500 2024